Player Core Rulebook - Pocket Edition Pathfinder 2nd ed

Player Core Rulebook - Pocket Edition Pathfinder 2nd ed

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Player Core Rulebook - Pocket Edition Pathfinder 2nd ed

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250,00 kr Tax included

0.5 Kg

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Pathfinder 2nd edition is a fantasy role-playing game, and Player Core is a game primer that covers everything players need to know to create characters, be introduced to the world of Lost Omens, and get tips for keeping adventures alive in a world full of with trolls, dragons and demons.

Pathfinder 2nd Edition: Player Core - Pocket Edition includes

8 different ancestries: human, dwarf, elf, goblin, goblin, halfling, leshy and orc
8 different classes: bard, cleric, druid, fighter, ranger, rogue, witch and wizard
Numerous Backgrounds and Player Options to customize the rules and create a multitude of different characters
Hundreds of feats and spells
Lots of equipment and gear
Player Core - Pocket Edition is compatible with both older and newer Pathfinder 2nd edition material. The book replaces Pathfinder 2nd: Core Rulebook and incorporates updates and corrections from the first four years of Pathfinder 2nd edition and includes some of the most popular additions to Pathfinder such as Witch class, new equipment, streamlined spells and expanded character creation options.

The Pocket Edition is a smaller and more compact version of the rulebook, which is easier to take with you on the go.

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